We believe that discipline begins at home and therefore, it is important for our staff to establish an excellent working relationship with parents to make them aware of what will or will not be tolerated. Our teachers use positive reinforcement and redirection to enforce and encourage acceptable and appropriate behavior. We emphasize positive behavior such as, good manners, sharing and following directions. However, when a child is uncooperative, we use “break periods”. In a “break” children will be given a warning that they need to correct their behavior and given ways to help solve the problem. Next, they will be given a choice to correct the behavior or remove themselves for a short period of time. This gives the child an opportunity to assume responsibility for his/her behavior. If the child is unable to correct his/her own behavior the teacher will remove the child from the situation. After a brief time, the teacher will discuss with the child what could have been done to prevent the crisis and possible solutions for the future. Every attempt will be made to re-channel his/her feelings in a positive way.
If discipline problems persist or are very serious in nature, a written report will be sent home to the parents and a copy will be placed in the child’s file. If the problem persists for a few days, the child will be observed by the co-directors during a routine day. The policy of the Center is to notify parents each day of any problems that arise, but if a discipline problem continues, a meeting will be set up with the parents to discuss an appropriate course of action.
In addition to following the general procedure of the center, each of our school age children and parents are given a code of expected behavior to sign upon acceptance to the program. We use a written warning system. When a student receives three written warnings, he/she is suspended for a day. Continued discipline problems can lead to dismissal from the center.
Because of the nature of our business, we feel that communication is our most important element. Stepping Stones employs fourteen different people on a given day. Any one of these people may work with your child. Because you will not be here when they report to work, it is important that your messages reach Mr. Amrein or Mrs. Gagnon. We want you to feel free to communicate with any of our teachers, but any concerns should be forwarded to Mr. Amrein or Mrs. Gagnon. If you wish to arrange a conference, we will be happy to do so at a convenient time for all involved parties. Your child’s well-being is as important to us as it is to you. Open communication will help us to work together to ensure your child gets the best care possible.
All food and beverages are provided by the parents for their own child. We encourage parents to provide healthy snacks and lunch. Please provide an icepack in your child’s lunchbox each day. The staff will let parents know when juice or milk is needed. Hot meals can be sent as a microwave is available. Parents are informed daily as to what their child has eaten. Children are encouraged to sit at the table until their snack or lunch is completed. Children are not allowed to get up from the table and throw their food away. No other food is allowed-such as eating when entering the building or leaving the building.
In order to ensure the good health of all children, we ask that you keep your child home if he/she shows signs of the onset of any illness; ie. chickenpox, influenza, strep throat, etc. If a child becomes ill while at the center, (vomiting, diarrhea, or fever over 100.3 degrees), parents will be notified immediately and will be expected to pick up the child within one hour. Should the child remain beyond this one hour limit, our late fee policy will go into effect. When a child returns to the Center after an extended illness, he/she should be well enough to partake in normal activities which includes outdoor time. A child should remain home for a minimum of 24 hours after vomiting, diarrhea, or a fever has subsided.
If medications need to be taken at Stepping Stones, parents must first have a form signed authorizing only the co-directors to dispense medication. This form is completed first by the physician and then signed by the parents. Any medication (prescription or over-the-counter) must remain in the original container with the child’s name, drug name and appropriate dosage. No medication should be in a child’s lunch box but must be personally handed to one of the co-directors. Failure to follow this procedure would jeopardize continuing services by Stepping Stones. Absolutely no cough drops unless supervised.
Stepping Stones Educational Center operates a full year schedule with the exception of: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving and Christmas. We will open whenever possible in inclement weather unless conditions are deemed unsafe by the State Highway Department. If the Canton Public Schools are closed, there will be no nursery school program, but the daycare and before/after school programs will run as usual.